a young lady using the computer.

What does a cyberfeminist look like?

“multimedia producers, e-mail list-administrators or moderators, programmers, web-page designers, and women who actively engage in all kinds of on-line synchronous and asynchronous spaces” -Radhika Gajjala

What is cyberfeminism, you ask?

First off, there are many definitions (see 100 Anti-theses).
BUT, most would agree that
“What all cyberfeminists share is the belief that women
should take control of and appropriate the use of
cybertechnologies in an attempt to empower ourselves"
-Radhika Gajjala

Pretty neat, huh?


Gajjala, Radhika. "Cyberfeminism, Technology, and International 'Development'." ​Gender and Development​ 7 (1999): 8-16. ​JSTOR​. 16 June 2019 https://www.jstor.org/stable/4030445.